About Isabelle
Isabelle is a force of nature. To know her is to know both radiant simplicity and boundless possibility.
Already accomplished as a psychotherapist, an academic, a meditator, a teacher, a musician, a writer ,and a facilitator, she is continually unfolding into new explorations.
Exquisitely receptive and fiercely discerning, she commands my deepest respect. When she speaks, the room listens. In a few words, she can say what you have been waiting your whole life to hear.
She will believe in you, as she believes in all of us, as she calls us to go forth into the world and meet it's troubles with the alchemies of grace.
May you know the blessing of her love.
(Written by Will Jefferson)
1-1 Sessions with Isabelle
What is your educational background?
I studied Law and Psychology at Harvard University (US), the University of Oxford (UK), and Monash University (Australia).
Do you currently have any other jobs, titles, and/or professional experience that you’d like to mention?Â
I’m a Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice, working with clients worldwide. I’m also a University lecturer in the social sciences.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you’d like to include?Â
I’ve spent over 250 days on intensive silent meditation retreat in Buddhist monasteries and centres in Asia, primarily in the Mahasi vipassana tradition.Â