About Morten
Warning! Meeting Morten might unveil appreciative poetics of life, novel metaphysics and collective facial expression play, wonder and genuine curiosity for life. He leads us back to the essence of wild nature and magic, valueing everyone's presence; a trickster blending truth with humor and grace.
Deeply connected to nature, Morten sees the natural world as a vital, living presence, a source of solace and inspiration, where soul and life can be crafted.
Facing MDS (bone marrow cancer) in his 20s, Morten embarked on a deep inward journey, confronting life and death with poignant realisations. Post-recovery, he wrestled with life's meaning outside the medical system. This transformative parenthesis was deeply personal, and connected him to ancestry, poetry, revealing essential qualities of what I and We are, and the world we are existing in.
Morten's narrative intertwines joy, introspection, and resilience, inviting us to explore the depth of fully alive, authentic presence.
(Written by Ernst Beyerle)

What is your educational background?
By education I’m a clown and outdoor guide (specialised in ancestral skills).
What are your areas of expertise/research interests within the self-development/awareness context?
Looking to place human relating (and everything) in it’s rightful context of happening within the wider context of “the natural world” - and seeing what that explicit awareness can bring to human relating.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you’d like to include?
I LOVE poetry in any form, and I regularly try to catch it and put it down in words and in music - besides trying to be it and live it.
Are there any causes or charities that are important to you?
I’ve always been a great believer in the power of theatre and laughter as a remedy to some of the worst ailments of the world. I’m a part of “The Flying Seagulls” who act from that belief.
Are you influenced by or do you have affiliation with a spiritual or religious group?
My spiritual life is influenced by yogic practices, vipassana meditation and animism. It sounds like an odder mix than it actually is ;)
Are there any significant life experiences that you have faced that have developed your character and may provide insight into who you are?
I wrestled with cancer for 8 years and recently got diagnosed with autism… And I'm looking hard for the super powers it has bestowed upon me.