About Cristina
I began my mindfulness journey as a student of Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction in 2015. In 2018, my mindfulness teacher recommended that I learn Circling, a distinct relational presence practice sponsored by Circling Europe. As a student of Circling, I initially struggled with the novelty and discomfort that came with learning a new practice, yet I kept coming back because I was willing to practice honesty, patience and curiosity. I just loved the practice, and so I took Circling Europe’s six month SAS training. I was certified under Circling Europe in September 2019. Afterwards, I joined and stayed exclusively with CircleAnywhere, which later became The Relateful Company. Here I completed our eight month Level Up facilitator training program and also the Relateful Coaching program. And, well, here I am... a certified Relateful Facilitator.
As a practitioner and as a facilitator, I've gained much language and vocabulary regarding my experience while in connection. I've cultivated and expanded my capacity to hold myself and others lovingly and gracefully. I love the practice of Relatefulness in so many ways. I love noticing what is present while connecting and how I can hold it curiously, compassionately and with empathy. As a facilitator, it has been amazing to be a witness and a participant in this art of “being with”. I frequently get to explore, test and update my beliefs and perspective, which has been amazing.
Come join us in the practice of Relatefulness. I sincerely want to make it known that with practice and guiding principles, any person can cultivate more authentic, loving, and empathic ways of relating.
1-1 Sessions with Cristina
Do you currently have any other jobs, titles, and/or professional experience that you’d like to mention?
In my professional world, I proudly hold a 30 year career as a senior paralegal in an Elder Law firm in Long Island, New York.
Fun fact: Is there something fun or unexpected about you that you’d like to share with the world?
I have an eclectic taste in music, I love cooking, and I love superhero and Godzilla movies, walking barefoot on a
sandy beach, and dancing.