About Josefine
Josefine has a 3-meter-tall blossoming beating loving feeling heart.
Lightness and brightness are a way she quite likes to show up, and brought her the nickname Joy. And she also expresses all the colors of the rainbow full-heartedly, singing, crying, screaming, laughing. Her unique superpower might be how fully she accepts you, an ability she’s discovered in her own long journey of accepting herself.
She pursues truth and love. She has a gift for bringing clarity to the disoriented or confused moments of relating, and staying fully present for the impact of what she shares.
Josefine is Norwegian. She moved out and into her own place in Oslo when she was 16, and got a full time job the day she turned 15, supporting herself through university. She tried to save the world working in climate change finance, but felt alone. She left and traveled and stayed in Bali for a few years, finding acceptance and pleasure and connectedness. Returning to Norway, she immersed herself in circling training and leadership, but fell in love with an American she met on RelatefulAnywhere, moved to the USA to follow that love, and married that man! (They’ve both since become RelatefulAnywhere facilitators). She longs to settle in a home, to be a mother, to grow a loving and supportive community, and to nurture lifelong relationships. And to have a cat.
(Written by Blake Borgeson)
1-1 Sessions with Josefine
What is your educational background?
I was amongst the first people in the world to have the interesting mix of a master's degree in Climate Change and Management and Finance (Imperial College in London).
Do you have any valuable (to you) previous positions, notable accomplishments, awards or accolades, professional affiliations, or published works, etc?
For a long time, my mission in life was to influence financial institutions to finance the transition into a more sustainable world. After working in asset management with impact investing, at age 23-24 I founded a sustainability consultancy that incorporated sustainability analysis into financial analysis for research analysts in Norway's biggest bank, DNB.
What are your areas of expertise/research interests within the self-development/awareness context?
I believe that everyone possesses an inherent wisdom that drives us towards thriving (being healthy, growing, loving and doing good). My research interest focuses on how we can create environments that facilitate the evolution of this wisdom, undo cultural conditioning and embody group consciousness. My interests revolve around the interplay of personal and social development, group and leadership+followership dynamics, and how people develop as babies and adults.
Do you have any children or pets?
I recently became a mother to my daughter Senya. Motherhood is everything to me. And I hope to have many many more in the future.
Are there any inspirational or influential people you’d like to mention? What about them means something to you?
Personally, I’m currently quite influenced by a mix of Robert Keagan, Kasia Urbaniak, Magda Gerber and Clarissa Pinkola Estes (and of course Jordan Myska Allen)!
I’ve studied deeply the works of Gabrielle Roth, Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels, Franz Ruppert, David Deida, ACIM, Ken Wilber, Anand Mehrotra, Sam Harris, Ram Dass, Lao Tzu, Inner Dance, and Eckhart Tolle.
My life-partner who’s also a facilitator here, Blake, is another big inspiration to me. The way he continually shows up with integrity and commitment to truth is very admirable to me.