About Michael
I’m Blas. I’ll introduce myself as Mike and I love when you call me Mike, Mikey, Michael, or other iterations but…I’m Blas. I have a Masters Degree in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology because I believe that people can be happier in their lives and work is a big part of life.
I've poured myself so far into this meditation of life called Relatefulness, that I don’t believe I will ever come back. It is me to be with, you and me. I started circling rebelliously in 2013 and dove in without knowing what it was and without much guidance. I then took every training that felt right for me to take and assisted at SAS and Art of Circling trainings numerous times. I'm now a Lead Teacher of Level Up, and have been integrally involved in the training, coaching, and certifying of hundreds of facilitators.
I have led my own immersions with amazing facilitators and led innumerable drop-in Flow “labs”. I found through school that the pinnacle of facilitation requires that the group arrive together at a place that they were all inspired to go, and that no facilitator can give an experience to another in isolation and have much good come from it.
I coach.
Sometimes it’s on how to be a better facilitator. Sometimes it’s about how to be with the ever-present anxiety someone is feeling. Sometimes it’s about how to be more active in life, relationship, partnership, family… and I go through it with my clients. You know how in soccer there’s sometimes players who are also coaches. That’s me. I get on the field. You will open places in me that I have never had the courage to see. We will find a place where you’re taller than me. You might learn by watching me how to be with people and things that are taller than you. I’m usually taller than people at not being taller than people.
1-1 Sessions with Blas
Brian, Uruguay
“Every single session changed my life. If I never had another session w him again it’s already been worth it”
Alex, USA
“I would not be surprised if, to the extent that such one-dimensional comparisons can be made, Blas were hands-down the best circler in the world. One of those rare people who fully live their philosophy. He has an incredible ability to empathize and to unflinchingly remain with what is present. Extremely loving, non-judgmental, and open, yet also has the ability to hold boundaries and recommend discipline when necessary."