About James
James is a facilitator who radiates the warmth of an open heart. He has a sincerity, honesty, and acceptance of what is here, which creates an atmosphere of presence, trust, and playful aliveness. The image I get in connection with James is the spaciousness of the universe and a feeling of space for whatever wants to be created - space for our wholeness as both individual historical beings, and as parts of eternity. Important superpowers James has are the courage to show up with sensitivity, and the ability to attune to and be with the other on a deep level.
James felt his world shift at his first Circle in 2018. It felt like he woke up from a dream of separateness, getting to experience awe in connection for the first time. Since then he has spent much of his free time in the relating world, exploring what it means to be more whole individually and collectively. His particular areas of interest include coaching and men's work, and he has hosted in-person Circles for the last few years under the name "Living Circling". James works as a Capability and Staff manager at a Manufacturing Plant, and is focused on how to embody joyful productivity while integrating results and meaning.
(Written by Dagny Hov)
1-1 Sessions with James