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“Escaping Social Media Hell” on Mark Walsh's Embodiment Coaching Podcast 🎙

3things interpersonal growth jordan myska allen relatefulness stayinlove Mar 06, 2025

Escaping Social Media Hell”: Spotify / Apple


This is probably the most accessible introduction to UpTrust we’ve recorded so far; Mark’s been a friend and Relatefulness supporter for years. He loves to push boundaries and be provocative so he asks great questions; at the same time you can feel his heart. About a quarter of the way in the whole UpTrust vision ‘clicks’ for him. Here’s the description:

“Uptrust and Relatefulness founder Jordan Myska Allen joins me to tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time - social media. We dig into the dark side of the platforms we all love to hate: Polarization, narcissism, addiction, and how algorithms keep us hooked and divided. But Jordan has a plan. He introduces Uptrust, a radical new approach to online interaction designed to promote trust, reduce echo chambers, and foster real conversation instead of rage-fueled clickbait. We cover social credit ratings, marketing manipulation, Ukraine, and whether social media can actually save the world rather than destroy it. An essential listen for anyone tired of the status quo.

Join the conversation and sign up for Deep Takes on Hot Takes here:; submit by March 15th.”


With love, Jordan


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