Personal Growth Partial Truths: Surrender (to me)! 🙈
Jun 23, 2022
I generally find “surrender” to be an honest direction, but it can go poorly in so many ways. If you yield your power (surrender) because you recognize the “I” (ego) that wants to be in charge is a wisp of self-reinforcing empty-thought-stuff, what fills the gap? Someone else’s ego? Your animal instincts? An ideology? A racist guru with sex addiction? Society? A Facebook ad’s promise? These—and much darker things—tend to be happy to take the reins of your authority.
How about helping you stay surrendered with your unique access to the universal instead? Then you don't slip into a Child-Parent relationship with the projected authority… where you’re trying so hard not to have a self that you can’t notice or stop yourself, since that would look a lot like resistance. 🥴
True surrender is beautiful. Necessary for evolution. Foundational for serving others. But how do we know what to surrender to in any given moment? How do we trust our unique access without giving in to our unique distortions? It’s tempting to give up that uncertainty (to a book, idea, person). But then we stop questioning, and we stop learning, and we stop connecting to the true subjectivity in another human. We become slaves to the very egoic impulses we were trying to transcend.
And so I believe we must be a part of whatever we surrender into, if we want it to be good and true and honest. We must transclude our individuality. We must learn to move forward with uncertainty and openness to change. A wave is nothing but the ocean, but there is no ocean without waves. Denying the separation of the waves won’t do us much good when they rock our boat or destroy our homes. Plus we’ll miss all the fun.
With love, Jordan
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